That love, that passion, that drive on acting, putting all from itself there, then, now... you don't see that normally anymore...
Al do it so well, in every movie. Such a commitment, such a passion, really instigates and involves us all, makes us admire and care for him every time more.
No matter how many uncountable times i rewatch any of his films..i admire them and him more every time.
I got a pack of stocked love for that person for 19 years...it's so heavy that i even got to leave it aside for a while.
But now I see all i have to do is go along with this energy and go for it, like he did.
Go for it. Go, learn to act, learn to direct, go, go see him, go talk to him. Go give him that big longed hug.
Do it, just do it.
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