The Godfather.. that's where it all started for me, talking about
20 years ago, i was 13, really fell in love with Michael Corleone..
i watched and rewatched all 3 movies maaany times in a role, as well
as many other movies Al did and i could find and save for myself.
It was the first time an actor started to mean so much for me.
Today, 20 years later, i feel the same love, only softer, accostumed,
When you admire something for so long, that thing really becomes part of
you, of your life, it's like a friend, a relative, a friend relative,
or more.
The story of that movie is PERFECT.
Francis Coppola and Mario Puzo made it absolutely beautiful, as well
as Carmine Coppola and all the cast and crew.
The absolutely seductive story of this family, so powerful, old,
polite, italian, american, righteous, but a mafia family that hunts
any enemy it meets with no regrets.
The journey of Michael, from "good army guy" to Don Corleone is sooooo
beautiful, painful, amazing to see..
the change on his countenance, look, walk, everything.
What can I say about Al on this movie?
Perfect, yes..
He conveys everything through his eyes, voice, moves..
All his strength, solidity, resistence, all there.
And how amazing it is to see such a tender man, on the first scenes,
and see everything he lives from there..
And how the movie ends..and how the second part goes on..and the third..
Amazing, unforgettable, so, SO beautiful!!!!!
Bravo, Don Corleone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!